The Philippine Military Academy announces the opening of the PMA Cadet Online Application System for the PMA Entrance Examination 2023 for aspiring cadets of PMA Class 2028.
The PMA Cadet Online Application System will be open from May 1, 2023 to August 1, 2023.
See more details on the online application process below.
Visit the PMA website: more details on the admission of PMA Cadets.
- Must be a natural - born Filipino citizen;
- Must be at least 17 years of age and not more than 22 years of age on 01 June of the admission year;
- Must be at least Senior High School Graduate (Grade 12);
- Must have at least a GPA/GWA of 85% or its equivalent;
- Must have a barefoot height of not less than 5'0" (152.4cm) but not more than 6'4" (193.04cm) for both male and female;
- Must be a single and never been married, never borne or sired a child;
- Must be of good moral character;
- Must have no administrative or criminal case;
- Must pass the PMA Entrance Examination;
- Must be physically and mentally fit for military training;
- Must pass the Complete Physical - Medical Examination by AFP Medical Board Nr 1;
- Must pass the Physical Fitness Test and Aptitude for the Service Interview;
NOTE: For more details on qualifications and the physical and medical disqualifications please visit
- Computer or smartphone/mobile device with internet access
- Valid and working email account
- Scanned copy of PSA birth certificate and Form 137/138 or Transcript of Record in Portable Document Format (PDF) or image JPEG format.
- ALL PAGES of the document should be saved in ONE (1) document file format.
Scanned copies of PSA birth certificate and Form 137/138 are required and will be uploaded in the PMA Online Cadet Application System.
1.Free College Education;
2.Monthly Salary and Allowances;
3.Privilege and honor of serving our country;
4.State of the art training facilities;
5.Progressive and rewarding career as an officer of one of the branches of the Armed Forces of the Philippines.
Once you have verified that you meet the eligibility requirements, you can proceed with the online application process. Here are the steps to guide you through:
Step 1: Access the online application link: to access Cadet Application System Landing Page.
Step 2: Click “Not registered yet? Sign-up instead”
Note: ALL NEW and RE-APPLICANTS shall register new accounts. Old accounts are no longer valid for this recruitment and selection cycle.
Step 3: Fill out and accomplish the Sign-up Section.
Step 4: Recheck your information and Click “Sign-up” button.
Note: DO NOT FORGET your EMAIL and PASSWORD. Use it to Sign-in to your PMA Online Cadet Application System account.
Step 5: If the verification code is valid, you will automatically be Signed-in/Logged-in to your PMA Online Cadet Application System account. Click “Personal Information” Tab.
Step 6: Accomplish and fill out the data fields with your CORRECT personal information.
Data fields with “*” are required to be filled.
Incorrect information may invalidate your application
Note: Your preferred Exam Site/Center can be changed anytime before closing of the Online Application on August 1, 2023. Further, Exam Sites/Centers are not yet final. Monitor PMA Facebook Page for Exam Center updates.
Step 7: Once all required data fields and other fields are accomplished, Click “Save Information” button at the bottom of the page.
Step 8: After saving the Personal Information Tab, sub Tabs will appear below the Personal Information Tab. Click the “Educational Background” Tab
Step 9: Click the “Add Educational Background” Button.
Step 10: Fill- up all fields for “Educational Background”
Data fields with “*” are required to be filled.
Incorrect information may invalidate your application.
Step 11: Once all required data fields and other fields are accomplished, click the “SAVE” button.
Make sure all entries are CORRECT.
ALL APPLICANTS NEED to ADD AT LEAST their HIGH SCHOOL credentials. College-level students may add their credentials as applicable.
Step 12: Click the “Requirements” Tab. Upload your scanned documents (Form 137/138, Transcript of records as applicable, and PSA birth certificate) as attachment (Click “Choose File” button). After upload, Click “Save” button.
Note: Upload one (1) file for each requirement. All scanned pages must be in one (1) file.
Step 13: Click the “Survey” Tab and answer the question by selecting from the options in the list. After selecting an answer, click “Save Changes” button.
After clicking “Save Changes”, you will be directed to the Notifications Page to display your Application Progress.
Step 14: Sign-out of your account after completing the application process by clicking “Sign-out” button. You have completed the online application process.
Once you have verified that you meet the eligibility requirements, you can proceed with the online application process. Here are the steps to guide you through:
Step 1: Access the online application link: to access Cadet Application System Landing Page.
Step 2: Click “Not registered yet? Sign-up instead”
Note: ALL NEW and RE-APPLICANTS shall register new accounts. Old accounts are no longer valid for this recruitment and selection cycle.
Step 3: Fill out and accomplish the Sign-up Section.
Step 4: Recheck your information and Click “Sign-up” button.
Note: DO NOT FORGET your EMAIL and PASSWORD. Use it to Sign-in to your PMA Online Cadet Application System account.
Step 5: If the verification code is valid, you will automatically be Signed-in/Logged-in to your PMA Online Cadet Application System account. Click “Personal Information” Tab.
Step 6: Accomplish and fill out the data fields with your CORRECT personal information.
Data fields with “*” are required to be filled.
Incorrect information may invalidate your application
Note: Your preferred Exam Site/Center can be changed anytime before closing of the Online Application on August 1, 2023. Further, Exam Sites/Centers are not yet final. Monitor PMA Facebook Page for Exam Center updates.
Step 7: Once all required data fields and other fields are accomplished, Click “Save Information” button at the bottom of the page.
Step 8: After saving the Personal Information Tab, sub Tabs will appear below the Personal Information Tab. Click the “Educational Background” Tab
Step 9: Click the “Add Educational Background” Button.
Step 10: Fill- up all fields for “Educational Background”
Data fields with “*” are required to be filled.
Incorrect information may invalidate your application.
Step 11: Once all required data fields and other fields are accomplished, click the “SAVE” button.
Make sure all entries are CORRECT.
ALL APPLICANTS NEED to ADD AT LEAST their HIGH SCHOOL credentials. College-level students may add their credentials as applicable.
Step 12: Click the “Requirements” Tab. Upload your scanned documents (Form 137/138, Transcript of records as applicable, and PSA birth certificate) as attachment (Click “Choose File” button). After upload, Click “Save” button.
Note: Upload one (1) file for each requirement. All scanned pages must be in one (1) file.
Step 13: Click the “Survey” Tab and answer the question by selecting from the options in the list. After selecting an answer, click “Save Changes” button.
After clicking “Save Changes”, you will be directed to the Notifications Page to display your Application Progress.
Step 14: Sign-out of your account after completing the application process by clicking “Sign-out” button. You have completed the online application process.
• Applicants can sign-in/login to their accounts to update their personal information and requirements during the prescribed period of online application.
• Click the Notification Bell to access notification page and monitor status. Once validated, System will send a notification/email to the applicants’ personal email the examination permit for the PMA Entrance Exam as the next phase of the admission process. Access to downloading Exam permits via applicant online accounts will be announced later.
• Applicants are advised to monitor the official PMA Facebook Page “Philippine Military Academy Face-Bok” and PMA website for updates for the admission process for PMA Class 2028.
For Inquiries, you may contact the following:
PLDT Number:
(074) 442- 5520
Cellphone Numbers: (0919) 068-0877 (SMART), (0919) 068-0878 (SMART), (0906) 546 6989 (GLOBE)
You may also reach them thru the following official social media accounts of PMA:
Facebook: Philippine Military Academy “Face-Bok”
Instagram: pma_ccafp
Twitter: @pma_ccafp
You may also send a message to and don’t forget to visit
Source: Philippine Military Academy